
I enjoy my single life right now because the status quo let me feel relaxed. I do not have to be concerned about what will happen in the relationship and also do not think about others feelings. I can do whatever i want ---this well-being only belongs to single person.    Had you had some love experiences , you would have made out what i said.

Something upsets me recently----some of my fridends are suffering from LOVE------ ----it sounds like trouble questions. I have done my best to comfort their emotions. Sometimes, I can't figure out why they are soooooooooooo stubborn and they do not thoroughly try to change their mind ----just think widely ok??

you don't have to insist on unchangeable things and let yourself be full of pain . kind of stupid know.

Everyone knows one thing that is ''LOVE CAN NOT BE FORCED'' but a lot of people can not completely do it ---- You're the one of them. I wanna express that lifting your head , you will discover the flawless girls around you.  YOU-----WAKE UP WAKE UP!!


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