Oasis - Wonderwall


karenchung 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()



karenchung 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

從考試結束到現在 不知悶了多久了~(大約兩年了)

雖然六月中才去南部玩 但心一直都靜不下來耶~

karenchung 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

工作裡最重要的事甚麼?! 除了對工作的"熱愛" 我個人覺得最重要的是"員工之間的互相尊重" 而不是你是老鳥就擺出一副"賽臉"


karenchung 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

One adjtive can express how i felt last saturday......that is ......I wore out to take MRT in Kaoshiung last weekend. My friend and I took a walk and went a lot of sightseeing area all day long . First , we went 橋頭糖廠 station, but it rained cats and dogs there.  So we stayed a store for a long long time and waited rain to become small and then we ate some popsicles at a sugar plant. Second, We arrived at 世運 station and saw a lot of people to do their rehearsal in the gym ;therefore, we could not go into the gym ...just only stayed outside. Third, we got 中央公園 station and not to stay for a long time.....because it was boring. There is a Kaoshiung MRT map ....if you want to travel by MRT , you can follow this map. It was fun and tired. You'd better save your energy before traveling on foot ,otherwise, you will be exhausted . Like me....tired to death.


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I enjoy my single life right now because the status quo let me feel relaxed. I do not have to be concerned about what will happen in the relationship and also do not think about others feelings. I can do whatever i want ---this well-being only belongs to single person.    Had you had some love experiences , you would have made out what i said.

Something upsets me recently----some of my fridends are suffering from LOVE------ ----it sounds like trouble questions. I have done my best to comfort their emotions. Sometimes, I can't figure out why they are soooooooooooo stubborn and they do not thoroughly try to change their mind ----just think widely ok??

karenchung 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

 IMG0139A.jpg  IMG0138A.jpg

沒錯!!這就是我遊民般的邋遢頭毛 因為五月底要把它給剪掉了.....說真的從來沒留過這麼長將近一年半 只是想留個紀念吧! 這個頭毛陪我度過最難熬的時候也讓我蒙羞了....男生朋友說:拜託 ! 妳去剪頭毛八! 很醜很邋遢耶~從來沒看過妳這樣! 我想是宅習慣了也變得懶的打扮 整理自己外在! 哈~ 我真的要減頭毛了唷....請不要再ㄉㄧㄤ我了

karenchung 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

I have gotten a bad news about my transcript of  the entrance exam that the fact is not as expected as i thought and i don't know how to express my agony in

mind.I was thinking that I made a lot of efforts in the past few months and dedicated myself to studying hard........The cosequence how could be this way!

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karenchung 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Last Saturday i bought a nice polo with my best friend who called temporarily  米淇淋 .  Because her weight is 68~70s kilogram at present. (ha~)

Actually, All clothes were on sale  and bought one got one free at that time so price was really reasonable . A sort of happiness.

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